
"Egypt Speaks Green" Launches 5th Webinar “Sustainability and COVID19”


"Egypt Speaks Green" Launches 5th Webinar “Sustainability and COVID19”

5th of January 2021 10:00:00 PM (GMT2+)
Egypt GBC

Cairo, Egypt Continuing a series of webinars by Egypt GBC addressing sustainability and the environment, Webinar 5 took place on the 5th of January 2021. Following the topics Sustainability and Beyond, Egypt Green Building Rating Systems (TARSHEED) Using Net Zero Model, The Global Green Building Movement and Advancing a Whole Life Vision, the latest webinar covered the critical issue of Sustainability and COVID19. Looking at the way the world has been impacted in the past year due to the pandemic, Lama Elhatow, Environmental Specialist at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), threw the spotlight on the economic and environmental issues, and how we need to adapt to protect our ecosystem. The webinar also covered the lessons and experience gained over the last months due to the pandemic and how this can serve us in tackling challenges like climate-related crises. Drawing attention to the need for ongoing vigilance, the subjects of social distancing measures and flight suspension on a short-term basis were also focusing points, showing how important it is to think of immediate action as well as long term repercussions.

For more info:
Webinar video link: