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Egypt Speaks Green” third webinar: “The Global Green Building Movement”

The Global Green Building Movement” to meet with key figures on Egypt's sustainability

Egypt Speaks Green” fourth webinar: Advancing a Whole Life Vision

Join us in Egypt Green Building Council (EgyptGBC) Webinar Series “Egypt Speaks Green” fourth webinar

Webinar#5- Sustainability and COVID-19

Webinar#5- Sustainability and COVID-19Throughout this world’s life, there have been some incidences that restructured human behavior.

Webinar #7 – Sustainability of Healthcare Facilities

The healthcare sector is one of the core services required for the modern communities’ comfort, and one that has gained additional focus due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

Webinar # 8- Part one: On The Road To Sustainability.

Egypt Green Building Council

Webinar # 6: Sustainable Mobility and Future of Transportation in Egypt

It is not about simply relieving traffic congestion, it is about re-imagining the city built for people and communities.

Webinar # 11: Circularity is the new Gravity

There is nothing more important than having a house to protect us. So, anciently all our ancestors heeded to its importance. They were using materials available in their region.

Webinar # 9: On The Road To Sustainability -Part Two.

On The Road To Sustainability. Part Two By: Professor Mahmud Fouad

Webinar#10- The importance of local rating systems for the Green Building sector growth

Webinar#10- The importance of local rating systems for the Green Building sector growthLiving in a world

Egypt Speaks Green Webinar 13 - Green Economy

Egypt Speaks Green Webinar 13 - Green Economy

Webinar # 12: Egypt Speaks Green. Building a Sustainable Concrete Industry

Egypt GBC launched yet another powerful webinar on 7 September discussing sustainability, Building a Sustainable Concrete Industry

Egypt Speaks Green Webinar #14 - Green Financing in Egypt - Lessons Learnt

Egypt Speaks Green - on November 2 under the topic of 'Green Financing in Egypt - Lessons Learnt. Hosted by Eng.' Emad Hassan and Eng.

"An interview with Dr. Salah El-Haggar."

Dr. Salah El-Haggar, a Professor of Sustainable Development at the American University, Co-Founder and Chairman of Egypt GBC, will be discussing the potential future disasters resulting from climate change, as well as activities related to COP27.